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Best 6 Ways to Tackle Waste Production in a Facility

When it comes to administering the effective delivery of support services in a facility, it is best to leave it in the hands of facility management agencies. With the objective of improving the quality of life and the overall yield of the business, facility management solution in Kolkata integrates people, processes and places to meet the demands of an organization or facility.

By the word facility, it means something that can be constructed to serve a particular purpose. For example: an office building, a real estate property, an IT services, technical infrastructure and so on. Facility management agencies effectively manage the premises by reducing waste generation.

In this respect, let us look at the ways by which waste generation can be efficiently managed in a facility.

Use of reusable utensils in the lunchroom- A major source of waste generation in a facility is from use-and-throw utensils that are used by the employees. There should be the provision of having reusable tableware which can be washed and reused again, alternatively, employees can bring their own utensils also.

Separation and recycling- Waste recycling practices can be employed in the buildings and this is one of the most effective ways of managing waste. There should be three bins placed inside- for solid, liquid and electronic waste. At the end of the day, processing and disposing of these wastes separately will in turn yield good results. It will not only render the environment clean and safe but also benefit the building premises.

Have a waste assessment report- In order to understand the best way to reduce waste generation and also incur cost reduction, having a waste assessment report is useful indeed. Under this report, you must focus on the type of waste that is generated and how should it be disposed of, if there are any items that can be reused, reduced or recycled, if the trash bins are of the required size and number and whether the wastes get collected regularly or not. All these points should enable you to manage wastes from the facility in an organized way.

Don’t print before editing- To reduce the practice of printing draft copies, make sure you first do all the corrections in the computer. If printing is an utmost necessity, make use of rough papers to print it out or for even better, store all the files for your office digitally. For example: you can create a Google account for your company where all the documents can be stored in the Google drive. No wastage of paper and security is also guaranteed!

Purchase of minimum packaged products- Unless it is a glassware, avoid buying products with excessive packaging. You can also request for deliveries to be done in returnable containers as it may seem to be so that it can be reused again for someone else.

Automatic switches in office are great- This will help to conserve energy, reduce electricity bills and will no longer require frequent replacement. The lights and fans will get automatically switched on when you are present and even comes with a sensor that can detect whether you need these to be switched on or not.

Conclusion- By adopting these smart practices, you can easily reduce waste generation in a facility and progress towards a safe and sustainable environment.

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